219 State St - Oshkosh, WI 54902
920 235 1070   |  info@richardsdancestudio.com

Richard’s Homeschool Dance Program is designed for homeschoolers age 5+. Classes will be mixed level: Beginner-Intermediate. Students will learn skills based on their ability level. All ability levels are welcome. 


For Class Descriptions Please Click on the corresponding link - Ballet Tap Jazz


Classes & Registration​   


2025 Winter Term (8 Week Session) - Registration Opens 10/22/24

Mondays January  6,13, 20, 27, February 4, 10, 17, 24

$80.00 per dance discipline per students, $225 for Aerial per student, $88.00 for Acro per student


2025 Spring Term (4 Week Session) - Registration Opens 1/15/25

Mondays March 10, 17, 31 April 7

$40.00 per dance discipline per students, $100 for Aerial per student, $45.00 for Acro per student



1:00-1:30 PM Ballet

1:30-2:00 PM Tap

2:00-2:30 PM Jazz

2:30-3:00 PM Acro

3:00-3:45 PM Aerial



Classes & Registration - Spring 4 Week Term (3/10-4/7) Registration Opens 1/15


- Minimum of 3 people per class is needed to run a class

- Tuition Fees are due at the time of registration 


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